Specialists discussed the specifics of Russian support visibility for the UNDP-Russia Trust Fund projects

Специалисты обсудили особенности освещения российской поддержки проектов Трастового Фонда Россия-ПРООН
16 February 2021

On 11 February Russia-UNDP Trust Fund for Development (TFD) organized a webinar on the implementation of the Communication and Visibility Strategy for Russia as a donor in recipient countries.

The Strategy has been in effect since 2016 and guides UNDP Country Offices on media engagement, branding and other aspects of public relations to ensure consistent visibility of Russia’s assistance in TFD-funded projects. Main target audience in line with the strategy are project’s beneficiaries and wider public in programme countries.

The webinar was attended by project managers and communication specialists from 10 country offices and the UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub for Europe and the CIS who implement TFD projects.

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