International Consultant to Mainstream Gender in the Comprehensive Youth Sector Analysis (YSA), UNICEF & UN WOMEN Republic of Moldova
UNICEF and UN Women are looking for an international consultant to ensure that gender is mainstreamed in the comprehensive analysis of the youth sector in Moldova. The comprehensive youth sector gender analysis will be carried out in a participative manner, with close involvement of MECR; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure; Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection; civil society; academia; youth and adolescents and relevant developmental partners, including but not limited to EU, UNDP, UNFPA, IOM, WHO and the WB.
Consultant’s duties:
Review and propose specific changes to the below stated documents from gender perspective (context analysis; analysis of existing youth related policies; analysis of youth sector performance; analysis of the youth sector capacity; analysis of the information sources and their availability; specific recommendations for gender mainstreaming in youth sector);
Participate in the public presentation for validation of findings.
Deadline for application is August 26, 2019.
A detailed description of the scope of work can be found at