International Consultant to develop a Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Management Strategy and its Action Plan

Международный консультант по разработке Стратегии управления знаниями в области адаптации к изменению климата Молдовы
24 March 2021

UNDP in Мoldova is looking for an International Consultant to enhance the countries' knowledge to reduce vulnerability and increase adaptive capacity by sharing data, information, and knowledge gathered from the climate change adaptation (CCA) activities.

Consultant’s duties:

  • Mapping all key stakeholders to be involved in the knowledge management process and identify all relevant providers and end-users of CCA knowledge;
  • Assess the needs of knowledge on climate change adaption and prioritize knowledge management directions;
  • Develop the Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Management Strategy and the Action Plan into a detailed and well-structured document;

Deadline for application is March 29, 2021.

A detailed description of the scope of work can be found at

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