International Consultant for developing Climate Change Adaptation Strategy of the Republic of Moldova and its Action Plan

Международный консультант по разработке Стратегии адаптации к изменению климата и плана действий Республики Молдова
21 January 2021

UNDP Moldova is seeking to recruit an international consultant (supported by a national pool of 5 sector-specific experts and one gender expert) to evaluate the implementation of the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (NCCAS) of the Republic of Moldova until 2020 and its Action Plan and to develop a new state of the arts CCA strategic framework.

Consultant’s duties:
  • provide a detailed critical analysis of the implementation of the current NCCAS until 2020 compared with the established vision, scope, objectives, and necessary actions of the Strategy;
  • liaise with relevant national stakeholders, provide relevant methodologies for the national context and guide the team of national sectoral experts to identify the degree of implementation of the current Strategy;
  • plan and facilitate a stocktaking workshop and coordinate the results of the evaluation with all relevant decision-makers.
Deadline for application is February 11, 2021.

A detailed description of the scope of work can be found at

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