International Consultant on Prevention and Response to the Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

23 January 2020

UN Women is looking for an International Consultant to provide technical support to the Parliament (Parliament Committee on Human Rights and the Parliament Interfaction Caucus on Equal Opportunities) and the Government (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of European and Euro Atlantic Integration) through technical advice and expertise in improving the legislation and policy framework for prevention and response to conflict-related sexual violence in Ukraine, and share the international best practices to operationalize the framework of the government policy on ensuring equal rights and opportunities men and women.

Consultant’s duties:

  • Assist the Parliament and the Government through advisory legal and policy support on contextualizing best international practices;
  • Provide the Parliament and the Government with the recommendations on the development of the Law on Transitional Justice and other related legal acts, addressing the needs of prevention and response to the conflict related sexual violence;
  • Support the Parliament and the Government with technical advice on building and/or strengthening the mechanisms for coordination and monitoring&evaluation (M&E) of implementation of the conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV).

Deadline for application is January 27, 2020.

A detailed description of the scope of work can be found at

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