International Consultant on Meteorological Capacity Building
27 February 2019
UNDP Tajikistan is seeking for an International Consultant, who, under an overall supervision of UNDP DRM Programme Manager and Project Analysts, and in close consultation with the Hydromet and other relevant counterparts, will support and lead the activities related to analyzing and developing a capacity building strategy/plan to strengthen the meteorological capacities of Hydromet.
Consultant’s duties:
- Develop the situation analysis and basic framework of meteorological training scheme in order to improve the knowledge and capacities of Hydromet staff;
- Develop the training modules, based on identified needs including the detailed curriculum, timeframe for capacity building of Hydromet staff;
- Based on the agreement and coordination with Hydromet and other stakeholders, conduct trainings;
- Develop the training report with finalized package of the whole training records and tools, including lessons learned of the entire meteorological capacity building process.
Deadline for application is March 14, 2019.
A detailed description of the scope of work can be found at