International Consultant on Statistical Business Register
19 February 2019
UNDP Turkmenistan is looking for an International Expert to support the State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan (Turkmenstat) in improvement of the statistical business registers in compliance with SNA 2008.
Expert’s duties:
- Review the existing documents and reports related to statistical business registers in Turkmenistan and develop recommendations on improvement in line with the international standards;
- Develop a programme for improvement of statistical business registers in accordance with SNA 2008 and provide support and guidance in its implementation;
- Analyze the existing legal framework and institutional arrangement for establishment and maintenance of statistical business registers and, in cooperation with the national consultant, prepare recommendations and draft amendments to the legislation and/or regulations for establishment and maintenance of statistical business registers, including methodologies and guidelines.
Deadline for application is February 25, 2019.
A detailed description of the scope of work can be found at