International Technical Development Fund Expert

16 July 2019

UNDP Republic of North Macedonia is looking for an international consultant to design and establish the Technical Development Fund based on available information on municipal capacities for project implementation and donor assistance in the country and formulate a set of objective criteria for the application process.

Consultant’s duties:

  • Provide expert advice and actively work with project team to design the structure of the TDF including institutional model, budget, basic functional requirements etc., all as necessary to support the implementation of the policy to reduce disparities in development opportunities between regions and municipalities;
  • Develop the TDF action plan and set up a detailed description of appropriate management and control systems in collaboration with the project team and drawing on knowledge of international standards and practices on similar development funds and the existing donor community priorities in the country.

Deadline for application is July 24, 2019.

A detailed description of the scope of work can be found at

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