Trainings for beekeepers and stockbreeders of the Osh region

Тренинги для пчеловодов и животноводов Ошской области
5 December 2018
Russian experts of the "Federal Center for Agricultural Consulting and Retraining of Agro-Industrial Complex" conducted a series of on-site trainings for beekeepers and stockbreeders with practical business experience, and for novice farmers in the Uzgen, Kara-Kulzhinsky and Nookat districts of the Osh region. More than 200 farmers improved their knowledge and about new technologies, the development and increase in the productivity of beekeeping and cattle breeding of the dairy direction.

The main aim of the trainings was to increase the capacity of farmers in the pilot regions through transfer of Russian experience used by federal and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation. An assistant professor of beekeeping at Ryazan State Agricultural University and an expert consultant in dairy cattle breeding at the Yaroslavl Scientific and Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Feed Production were invited to conduct the trainings.

The Osh region has a great potential for increasing the efficiency of agricultural production, but the development of the industry is constrained by the lack of qualified specialists. To solve this and other problems, the program “Integrated Development of the Osh Region” was launched. The program uses Russia's extensive experience in increasing agricultural production and processing of agricultural products including the transfer of knowledge through visits of farmers in the Osh region to successful farms of the Russian Federation and intensive training conducted by invited experts from leading Russian scientific and educational institutions.

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