Russia promotes low carbon development in Zimbabwe
On 13 July 2021, the results of the recently completed UNDP project "Facilitating the Implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution of Zimbabwe under the Paris Climate Agreement" were presented to the wide audience.
The project resulted in the development and approval of a "Long-Term Low-Greenhouse Gas Emissions Development Strategy 2050" at the national level. The document sets a clear direction for the country's low-carbon economic development and covers 38 sectors, including energy, industry, waste, agriculture and forestry. Along with the strategy, a "Measurement, Reporting and Verification System" was developed to track greenhouse gas emissions and their reduction, as well as mitigation and financing measures at national and international levels. The project also organized a series of training activities that helped build the capacity of over 3,000 direct beneficiaries from various sectors.
Zimbabwe is one of the first developing countries to develop an integrated approach to low greenhouse gas emission development and is now ready to share its experience and knowledge with neighbouring countries.
The project was implemented with financial support from the Russian Federation and is one of 11 Climate Window projects funded through the UNDP-Russia Development Trust Fund. "The Climate Window serves as Russia's contribution to the global climate agenda. To date, funding for Climate Window projects totals US$10 million.