Russia supports farmers in Uzbekistan
On 2 December 2021 the final Board meeting of the project “Enhancing the adaptation and strengthening the resilience of farming to climate change risks in Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan” took place with the presentation of the achieved results.
The project was aimed to institutionalize integrated services to agricultural producers in nine target regions of Fergana Valley to enhance their adaptation to the impacts of climate change. The project’s objectives were reached through the installation of 24 automatic weather stations and 12 electronic pheromone traps that provide agrometeorological data, forecasts for weather and pests/diseases outbreaks on the territory of over 10,200 ha for almost 900 subscribers of 24 Telegram groups. The Concept of Namangan Region Development for 2022-2030 was adopted with a special focus on green development and climate risks. The organization of thematic seminars in cooperation with the State Plants Quarantine Inspection benefitted almost 2,000 farmers. The project supported 14 business initiatives that are expected to create new employment opportunities for more than 700 rural population.
The representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Uzbekistan and national partners of the project attended the event.