Russia supports post-conflict early recovery and resilience in Armenia

Россия поддерживает постконфликтное восстановление районов Армении
17 May 2021

The conflict in Nagorniy Karabakh has spurred a displacement crisis with an estimated 100,000 people fleeing the conflict zone to Armenia given the level of destruction in the area. The host communities and institutions struggle to provide basic services, cover energy and other essential needs of the local and displaced populations. Moreover, the crisis is exacerbated by the already high vulnerability after the waves of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To support recovery assistance and peacebuilding the Russian Government has approved the allocation of $3.2 million for the project on post-conflict early recovery and resilience in Armenia. The project will focus on four main streams including housing solutions for the displaced, creation of emergency livelihoods in rural areas, emergency job creation in urban areas and supporting energy solutions in host communities.

The ‘Post-Conflict Early Recovery and Resilience in Armenia’ project financed by the Russian Federation will target communities across the country and will support around 18,000 people.

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