Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring supports resilience in Kyrgyzstan

Росгидромет поддерживает устойчивость сельского хозяйства в Кыргызстане
21 May 2021

Kyrgyzstan strives to increase climate and agricultural resilience and reduce the damage from climate change in the target agricultural communities to ensure gradual development of the Batken Province. The prior solution that can target the goal is strengthening a system for provision of agroclimatic information by improving quality of meteorological forecasting system and its usage.

To achieve this goal Russian experts from the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring supported colleagues from Kyrgyzhydromet in elaboration of the methodology for development of the Agroclimatic Reference Book (ARB) by conducting desk assessment of the existing capacities of Kyrgyzhydromet, reviewing the best methodologies for calculating the necessary parameters available in the region and proposing calculation templates for specialized agroclimatic and climatic parameters.

On May, 17th Kyrgyzhydromet and Russian experts from the Federal Service presented the results of their work and the Agro-climatic Reference Book itself, which was made based on the recommendations of the Russian Federal Service experts. The handbook will help agricultural workers assess and rationally use agroclimatic resources of the territory, contribute to the effective use of favorable and overcome adverse weather events. It will help to obtain high and sustainable yields of agricultural crops which will improve the local communities quality of life and contribute to the major goal – increased climate and agricultural resilience for the whole province.


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