Social Investment Fund presented Russian experience in social entrepreneurship development
Social entrepreneurship is not a new phenomenon, however this business model has not become widespread in the CIS region yet. Nevertheless, there is a growing need for the development of social entrepreneurship in the region in order to mitigate or solve social problems. The coronavirus pandemic caused severe economic and social crises in the region, which highlighted the increased demand for business models that address or mitigate existing social problems, as well as for sustainable, positive and measurable social outcomes.
On June, 2 the Social Investment Fund jointly with the UNDP Partnership Support Office in the Russian Federation conducted a webinar on the development of social entrepreneurship and impact investing. The event covered a wide range of topics , in particular, development of social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Russia, tools to engage youth in social entrepreneurship as well as development of public-private partnerships in the social sphere.
More than 30 participants from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan attended the webinar.
The Social Investment Fund supports the
government, business enterprises and social entrepreneurs to increase the
efficiency of social investments. The Fund is interested in developing social entrepreneurship in the CIS region and
aims to share experiences in the region.