Association of Clusters, Technology parks and SEZs of Russia provided support to Tajikistan

Ассоциация кластеров, технопарков и ОЭЗ России оказала поддержку Таджикистану
28 October 2021

On October 26, 2021 the Association of Clusters, Technology parks and SEZs of Russia conducted a webinar presenting the results of the strengthening capacities of the Free Economic Zones (FEZs) of Tajikistan work implemented within the framework of the Knowledge Management and Capacity Building in Russia-UNDP Partnership Project.

In the first stage of the work the Association conducted analysis of economic development, regulatory framework in the sphere of FEZ, development programmes of FEZ of the Republic of Tajikistan. As a result of the first stage, the following constraints to FEZ development were identified: underdeveloped infrastructure, insufficient qualification of personnel, weak information exchange with investors and lack of unified environmental standards. To overcome them, the Association prepared a mechanism for a Single Service Centre for FEZs and developed terms of reference and a structure for an updated FEZ website. The Association also provided recommendations regarding financial preferences and the communication policy for FEZs.

The second phase included a study tour to Tajikistan, where mentoring sessions for FEZs Dangara and Kulyab were conducted, as well as a series of seminars and open lectures for ministry representatives, FEZ staff and youth start-ups. During the visit, memoranda of cooperation were concluded with FEZ Dangara, FEZ Kulyab, FEZ Sughd, FEZ Panj and FEZ Ishkoshim.

The webinar was attended by the representatives of UNDP offices in the CIS countries, for which the topic of FEZ development is particularly relevant, as each country operates territories with preferential regime. The administration of FEZ "Brest" (Belarus) and FEZ "Ishkoshim" (Tajikistan) also took part in the event.

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