Association for the development of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia increases investment potential of free economic zones in Tajikistan

Ассоциация кластеров, технопарков и ОЭЗ России повышает инвестиционный потенциал свободных экономических зон в Таджикистане
28 April 2021

With an annual average of about 15% of GDP over the past decade, total investment in Tajikistan is low by regional and international standards. Thus, Tajikistan understand the need to offer a favorable investment environment by development of free economic zones (FEZs) in the country. In order to increase the investment attractiveness of FEZs of the Republic of Tajikistan in accordance with the cluster structure and attract investors, Tajikistan engaged the Association for the development of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia with the financial support of the Russian Federation.

The Association carries out comprehensive support to Tajikistan by conducting preliminary analysis of the industries of the Republic, developing a functional map of key industries and enterprises, including decomposition of cooperation chains of enterprises and formulating investment proposals for potential investors working closely with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the administration of the FEZs of Tajikistan.

On 28 April 2021 Russian experts conducted a webinar on regulatory practices in the creation of industrial, innovation and technological infrastructure and shared Russia's experience in state support for industrial technoparks in order to improve the region's investment attractiveness. The webinar attracted more than 50 participants from the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan, FEZs and national institutions, as well as employees of industrial technoparks and key ministries from other CIS countries: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Belarus.

The Association for the Development of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia is a leading non-governmental business membership organization representing the interests of the Russian Special Economic Zones, Technology Parks, and Industrial Clusters. Recently the Association presented an analytical guide for investors and potential tenants of the SEZs “Russian Special Economic Zones: Business Navigator-2020”.

The assignment is implemented in the framework of the project 'Knowledge Management and Capacity Building in Russia-UNDP Partnership'.

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